Since those early days the tags have changed significantly. They are now more robust, more automated - when you first activate a tag you scan the QR code, complete a short online form, upload or take a pic of your pet and press Submit. The tag is then immediately active.
The tags are now carried by some of the bigger Crazy Stores nationwide and many vets across Johannesburg as well as several vet stores like Cat Box Hyper, Ziggy's Pet Pamporium in Melville, Lifestyle Pets at Lifestyle Center, Pets Paraphanalia in Parkhurst, Bella Mia at Victory Park and even at Walkhaven Dog Park.
Should you wish to purchase additional or replacement tags at our new, much-reduced prices for our online sales - please just tap the button below.
Thanks again for the leg-up you gave the Taglinks QR-coded pet tag product - it is appreciated!